with their heart in the right place

Respitehouse HouseMartin is a guesthouse located on the edge of the Schilderswijk. It is a house for the sick who have no roof over their heads. Based on referral from the street nurse team, 5 guests can stay in our house for a short time to recover from illness or to recuperate after hospitalization.

We are looking for volunteers who can cook. 

  • you prepare, cook and serve affordable, healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • you compile varied menus;
  • you buy the ingredients and are responsible for clearing the tables and washing up;
  • you do not perform nursing actions. For dealing with guests, attention and good listening are key words;
  • you are available for at least 1 part of the day (4 hours) per week/per two weeks.

For this task you are:

  • balanced in life;
  • able to listen well;
  • empathetic to people who live without a roof over their heads;
  • respectful of the habits of guests in addition to your own norms and values;
  • experienced with the tasks for which you want to commit;
  • preferably familiar with a non-Western language.

We offer:

  • a pioneer, evolving organization on the move with many social challenges;
  • good guidance and training. 

Does this call touch you? Want to know more? Then quickly contact Kaoutar or Lerina. They can be reached via coordinatoren@respijthuishousemartin.com or by telephone via 06 35 60 84 97. We look forward to your reaction.